Android 4.2 Photo Sphere panorama

You can’t wait for Android 4.2 Jelly Bean to be released, can you? That probably goes double for Nexus devices owners – we’re thinking that November 13, or thereabouts, is when we’ll see the latest Android version hit some of the Nexus devices out there, including the Nexus 7, Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S.
But while you wait, you may be interested to hear that there are various Android 4.2 features that can be already taken advantage of on existing smartphones and tablets. We have recently showed you that you can get the new Gesture Typing keyboard app in Android 4.2 and now we’re going to tell you that the new camera app, Photo Sphere panorama picture mode included, is also available.
Unfortunately the feature is only available to Galaxy Nexus device owners, at least for now, courtesy of xda-developers. Senior member garner has found a way to install the new camera APK on rooted Galaxy Nexus handsets, so if you’re comfortable with such procedures you can already give it a try.
Clayton gave it a test run on an S3 and it worked great! Check out the video below.

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Myself BVD . A Gadget freak , geek , analyser . Interested in Gadget research . I share the news and gadgets with you which i come to know about .