Samsung Galaxy S III reaches 30 million sales worldwide

Samsung has repeatedly made it clear that its flagship Galaxy S III has proven to be one of the company’s most successful ventures in the mobile space. Even the Korean manufacturer’s oversized Galaxy Note II has managed to make a significant dent in the mobile market.
Just two months ago, sales figures for the GSIII were pegged at 20 million total units. Today however, the company announced that it has moved an astronomical 30 million Galaxy S IIIs worldwide. Undoubtedly, the device will continue to be a prominent player in the market for many months to come, but with the LG Optimus G already available and Google’s very own Nexus 4 looming on the horizon, other non-Sammy options may just be more enticing.
COURTESY : TalkAndroid

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Myself BVD . A Gadget freak , geek , analyser . Interested in Gadget research . I share the news and gadgets with you which i come to know about .