No Ice cream sandwich for GALAXY S & TAB :(

For those of you out there that have a Samsung Galaxy S or a Samsung Galaxy Tab, this is probably not the news you wanted to hear just before Christmas. After all this is the most depressing time of the year, and Samsung isn’t making it any better. We have just heard the news that Samsung doesn’t plan on upgrading either the S or the Tab to ICS. Not because of age or hardware, but rather because of TouchWiz.

That’s right, Samsung wont be bringing ICS to these devices because of their TouchWiz skin. They say there isn’t enough Ram or Rom to run both the ICS OS as well as all of Samsung’s “experience-enhancing” software, aka bloatware. Don’t get me wrong, TouchWiz is one of the better skins to be laid over The Android OS, but I bet we can all agree, that we can live without it. Right? I mean I would chose TouchWiz any day over Sense, however I would also choose pure Android over both. (Or any skin for that matter.)
This for me, and I’m sure for others out there, isn’t that big of a deal. We all have the option to get new phones, provided our bank account has the funds, or it’s time for an upgrade. However there are a few of you that neither one of these options are attainable. To you we give our condolences and hope that one day soon we don’t find ourselves in the same boat. If you do find yourself in this dilemma, please let us know your frustration in the comments section below.
Source : The verge .

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Myself BVD . A Gadget freak , geek , analyser . Interested in Gadget research . I share the news and gadgets with you which i come to know about .